jumping mouse造句
- There is a Meriones americanus, or jumping mouse, frolicking among stalks of maize.
- In 1947 a study was done to see what the jumping mouse preferred for food.
- The meadow jumping mouse was the largest single species.
- Twenty-eight species of insects, pertaining to ten different orders were collected and fed to the jumping mouse.
- The jumping mouse is a docile creature when handled; amongst its kind it is also pretty calm.
- The meadow jumping mouse is also capable of diving, and a maximum distance of four feet was recorded.
- The meadow jumping mouse is primarily nocturnal, but has been captured in the late evening of a cloudy moist day.
- Eight other endangered species decisions were reopened, including the white-tailed prairie dog, Preble's meadow jumping mouse, arroyo toad, California red-legged frog, and the Canada lynx.
- In March, he was calling for the removal of a disputed subspecies of jumping mouse from the endangered species list so Colorado construction projects could proceed.
- In New England these are the woodchuck, little and big brown bats, and the jumping mouse ( so named because it looks like a miniature kangaroo ).
- It's difficult to see jumping mouse in a sentence. 用jumping mouse造句挺难的
- The mating season for the woodland jumping mouse starts at the beginning of summer ( May ) and ends at the end of summer ( August ).
- The meadow jumping mouse is a decent swimmer, it usually will jump in when retreating from danger, or it was noticed as well to jump in when being set free.
- Way up there on my " things to worry about today " list is a cute, furry fellow with a name as long as his five-inch tail : Preble's meadow jumping mouse.
- The American Library Association named " The Jumping Mouse " in 1985 and " Mufaro s Beautiful Daughters " in 1988 Caldecott Honor Books, a prestigious award for children s book illustrations.
- For the Pacific jumping mouse, " Zapus trinotatus " ( the chapter link goes to the MSW3 web page for the species entry, while the title link goes to the Google Books preview for MSW3 ).
- Atop the mountain, an indigo bunting flew from shrub to shrub, a jumping mouse hopped beneath a protective cover of juniper, fresh moose and deer tracks dented the damp earth, and field sparrows darted in furious flight.
- The jumping mouse is an excellent digger; it usually burrows in a depression, and begins to dig horizontally with its front limbs, once inside it also uses its powerful hind feet to throw out the loose soil.
- The Woodland jumping mouse is a medium-sized rodent and is similar to the " Zapus " mice but differs in having a white tail tip, brighter colors, and the lack of a small premolar in the upper jaw.
- The Woodland jumping mouse was originally classified as " Zapus insignis " in 1891, but differences detected in dental morphology, ear ossicles, and the baculum resulted in the creation of two new genera, " Napaeozapus " and " Euzapus ".
- Other mammals sharing the range of the camas pocket gopher ( and, possibly, its tunnels ) include the vagrant shrew, Townsend's mole, the brush rabbit, the eastern cottontail rabbit, Townsend's chipmunk, the California ground squirrel, the dusky-footed woodrat, the North American deermouse, the creeping vole, Townsend's vole, the Pacific jumping mouse, the long-tailed weasel and the striped skunk.
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